Information For Authors

Open Access Statement

DiSlaw (Didaktik slawischer Sprachen) is an international open access online journal listed in the DOAJ and the Fachportal Pädagogik (Education Research Portal). The journal follows the Open Access Policy of the University of Innsbruck. The articles published in DiSlaw are therefore freely accessible and available, as the founders of the journal are convinced that free access to knowledge does not only serve the progress of scientific research, but is also conducive to continuous exchange with in-service teachers. The journal therefore does not charge any fees for the publication of the articles or for their access.

Information for authors

As part of the submission procedure, authors are requested to consider the following requirements and to confirm them by submitting their contributions and signing the author agreement. In case of non-compliance, the contributions cannot be accepted.

1) General remarks

The contribution is yet unpublished and has not been submitted for publication to any other journal, anthology, etc. (otherwise, the editors have to be informed of this at the time of submission). Please note that you may continue to freely exploit your contribution after it has been accepted by and published in DiSlaw, as long as you refer to its initial publication in DiSlaw.

2) Abstracts

For each contribution, an abstract must be written in English and in another language / in the language of the contribution (see stylesheet).

3) Submission

Abstracts and contributions are to be provided in Word and submitted via our homepage (see registration) or sent to the following address:

4) Ensuring a Double-Blind-Peer-Review

The abstracts and contributions each undergo a "double-blind" peer review process. Any references to the identity of the authors are removed by the editors and replaced, for example, by author 1.

5) Style & Formatting

The text of the contributions complies with the guidelines of the stylesheet and the Word templates, respectively.

6) Adherence to the Standards for Good Scientific Practice

The submitted contribution conforms to internationally recognised standards for good scientific practice.

7) License & Copyright

The authors retain the copyright to their contributions. For academic articles and best practice contributions, we recommend the use of the Creative Commons license CC-BY.  Thus, contributions published in DiSlaw may be freely used by others under certain conditions.[1] The use of the CC-BY-ND license is only permitted for academic contributions and must be communicated to the editors in writing at the time of submission. Best practice contributions (CC-BY) may be further processed and used for teaching purposes, provided that the author is named.

  • In the event of an infringement of the rights of third parties, the University of Innsbruck shall be indemnified and held free from loss and against any claims lodged against it by a third party. This applies in particular to copyrights and personal rights of third parties and extends for the duration of the statutory copyright or the respective rights of third parties.
  • The authors allow the University of Innsbruck to make their electronically submitted contributions available free of charge in one of its repositories (e.g. DiSlaw-website) as well as for long-term archiving.


[1] Any use and/or modification of the licensed material must include the name of the author as well as a rights and license notice. Authors also have the right to republish their contributions - be it their submitted, accepted, or published version - on their institution's website, on their personal homepage, or in an archive of their choice. For reasons of good scientific practice, reference should be made to the first publication in DiSlaw. DiSlaw actively encourages authors to promote the dissemination of their contributions to enhance the international reputation of the journal.