Legal Notice

Disclosure according to § 25 Austrian Media Act and information pursuant to § 5 ECG

Media owner and publishing instituition
Innsbruck University
Innrain 52
A – 6020 Innsbruck
Tel.: +43 512 507-0

Value added tax identification number (VATIN): ATU57495437
Legal form: legal entity of public law
Legal obligations of Innsbruck University: § 3 University Act
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University council:
Supervisory authority: The University of Innsbruck is subject to the legal supervision of the federal government according to §§ 9, 45 University Act 2002.
Applicable regulations: University Act 2002, Media Act, E-Commerce Act, Telecommunication Act; for further information, please see legal information system of the Federal Chancellery

Main focus of the journal: scientific papers on teaching and learning Slavic languages