Umwertung à la Nietzsche

Ol’ga Slavnikovas Roman Pryžok v dlinu


  • Christine Engel University of Innsbruck, Austria



Ol’ga Slavnikova, conservative turn, Friedrich Nietzsche, Daniil Andreev, human rights, physical disability


The paper deals with the revaluation of values in Ol’ga Slavnikova’s novel Pryžok v dlinu. The novels of this author are regularly awarded high-ranking literary prizes even though (or because) they fit into the broad stream of Russian fiction that openly interpret the present as a time when evil powers prevail and plunge humanity, especially Russia, into disaster. Most of these works, including Slavnikova’s, can be classified in their ideological orientation as belonging to the so-called ‘conservative turn’ and make use of a narrative that Russia is being robbed of its genuine core by external threats, be it capitalism, globalization, or postmodernism. In her novel Pryžok v dlinu, Slavnikova frames the concept of compassion as the cause of all evil. She follows the line of reasoning, familiar since Nietzsche, that compassion benefits the wrong people: thus untalented, criminally inclined egoists prevail in society, whereas the gifted suffer physical and psychological harm. But Slavnikova’s argument is even taken one step further: should not ‘unworthy’ lives be killed in time? The reaction of literary critics to such a proposition was strikingly restrained since they did not even subject such a provocative question to discussion.


