About the Journal
Didaktik Slawischer Sprachen (Didactics of Slavic Languages) (DiSlaw) is an Open Access journal that is published twice a year and follows a strict double-blind peer review process. DiSlaw is indexed by the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and listed in the Fachportal Pädagogik (Education Research Portal) and Ulrichsweb.
DiSlaw meets the urgent need for a subject-specific journal focused on the teaching and learning of Slavic foreign and heritage languages in German-speaking regions. It combines theoretical foundations with practical approaches to address the challenges of guided language acquisition.
We – the editorial team – do not see subject didactics as a mere collection of best practice examples but rather as a research-driven, theory-based, and practice-oriented discipline. Therefore, DiSlaw provides a publication platform for various types of contributions that engage with the teaching and learning of Slavic languages. In addition to scientific-theoretical articles and theory-guided studies from teaching practice, DiSlaw also publishes practical teaching examples and book reviews (e.g., of textbooks).
DiSlaw presents itself as a multilingual journal, publishing articles in German and English as well as in Bosnian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, and Ukrainian. The journal is also open to contributions in other Slavic languages.
Current Issue

It is a great pleasure to announce the publication of the seventh issue of DiSlaw, which is dedicated to a timeless topic – the use of audiovisual media in the teaching of Slavic languages.
Audiovisual media are omnipresent in our daily lives and their production and reception are an important part of young adults’ lives. Besides watching films on streaming platforms or videos on YouTube or producing short clips for social networks, especially young people use audiovisual media not only for entertainment but also for information and communication. It therefore seems useful and necessary to integrate these media in the foreign language classroom.