Using Creative Writing When Teaching Verbs in Slovenian as a Second and Foreign Language


  • Erika Kum University of Ljubljana, Slovenia



: creative writing activities, teaching Slovenian, teaching verbs, task-based approach


Creative writing activities in the teaching of Slovene as a second and foreign language help to speed up learning, memorisation, and recognition of words in context. I present different creative writing activities focusing on verbs. Through the activities, students practise the conjugation of verbs, their meaning, and use verbs in different contexts, which expands their linguistic knowledge. In addition, creative writing activities are beneficial for the overall development of students’ cognitive abilities, and it has also proved to be a great advantage that such activities relax students and make them more willing to use Slovene in communication with their classmates, thus making them less likely to rely on English. Students are less afraid of making mistakes and react more positively to them than they do when solving traditional grammar problems, they find the lessons more interesting and therefore participate more and more attentively.

